Heath, Robert W., Jr, 1973-

Introduction to wireless digital communication : a signal processing perspective / Robert W. Heath, Jr. - xix, 442 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm - Prentice Hall communications engineering and emerging technologies series . - Prentice Hall communications engineering and emerging technologies series. .

Includes bibliographical references (399-426) and index.

Introduction to Wireless Digital Communication establishes the principles of communication, from a digital signal processing perspective, including key mathematical background, transmitter and receiver signal processing algorithms, channel models, and generalizations to multiple antennas. Robert Heath’s “less is more” approach focuses on typical solutions to common problems in wireless engineering.

The online book link: https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Wireless-Digital-Communication-Perspective-dp-0134431790/dp/0134431790/ref=mt_other?_encoding=UTF8&me=&qid=1613559261

9780134431796 0134431790


Digital communications.
Wireless communication systems.
Signal processing--Digital techniques.
Digital communications.
Signal processing--Digital techniques.
Wireless communication systems.


TK5103.7 / .H42 2017

621.382 / He In