Evans, J. W.

Too global to fail : the World Bank at the intersection of national and global public policy in 2025 / J. Warren Evans and Robin Davies. - 1 online resource. - Directions in development .

Includes bibliographical references.

This textbook answers the basic questions: "What is business development?" "What does the business developer do?" and "What characterises good, structured, effective business development?" Distinguishing business development and the tasks of the business developer from traditional approaches of strategic management, entrepreneurship, and strategic marketing, this textbook will enable the market-oriented business developer to conceive, craft, and implement superior business plans.
The book is divided into three modules focusing on the market-oriented business developer’s mindset, on providing a state-of-the-art toolbox for careful strategic analyses and decisions, and lastly on the critical aspects of business plans and their content.
The approach of the book is focused and selective in its choice of content and provides a cumulative development of the relevant topics. Each chapter includes an ‘implications for the market-oriented business developer’ at the end to enhance a student’s learning.
The content of the book is applicable to any new business venture as well as for the development and implementation of growth opportunities in mature organizations. Inherently international in its scope, the text includes numerous real world examples, taken from the author’s own experience as a biotech entrepreneur, as well as from the wider global business community.

The online book link: https://www.amazon.com/Business-Development-Hans-Eibe-S%C3%B8rensen/dp/047068366X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=M56WUY8AUC3K&keywords=9780470683668&qid=1647242733&sprefix=9780273663966%2Caps%2C637&sr=8-1

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO

9780470683668 9781464803109


World Bank--Developing countries.

Economic assistance--Marketing--Management--Strategic planning--Business planning--Developing countries.
Economic development--Environmental aspects--International cooperation.--Developing countries
Public goods.


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